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Mark Rumble
After winning a second Olympic gold medal at the London Olympics, has signed a contract with the newly-minted semi-professional team of Rumble, for which, by the way, I came up with the name. This season Rumble reached the final of a series of WSB. I won the first place at individual rankings WSB in the category up to 61 kg.
best fights Video
date | opponent | location | result |
2018-04-21 | Saul Alvarez 51 1 2 |
Gaerdehov Icehockey Arena | WKO |
2018-01-27 | Terence Crawford 24 0 2 |
Arena Riga, Riga | WTKO |
2017-04-22 | Gennady Golovkin 54 6 3 |
Sporthallen, Sundsvall | WUD |
2016-12-03 | Vasiliy Lomachenko 32 0 2 |
Arena Armeec, Sofia | WUD |
2016-09-10 | Anthony Joshua 52 0 2 |
Hovet, Stockholm | LTKO |
2016-04-23 | Oleksandr Usyk 44 2 2 |
Johanneshov, Stockholm | WUD |
2015-12-19 | Errol Spence Jr 24 0 2 |
Rosvalla Arena, Nyköping | WUD |
2015-09-19 | Callum Smith 24 0 2 |
Rosvalla Arena, Nyköping | LKO |
2015-06-20 | Mikey Garcia 25 2 4 |
Ballerup Super Arena, Ballerup | WTKO |
2015-05-19 | Shawn Porter 32 4 1 |
Hovet, Stockholm | WKO |
2015-04-19 | Leo Santa Cruz 22 3 2 |
Johanneshov, Stockholm | DUD |
2015-03-20 | Miguel Berchelt 32 2 0 |
Rosvalla Arena, Nyköping | WUD |
Recent Fights
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All the highlights are available online on our site: photos and videos are taken during fights, before and after competitions. It’s important for the sportsmen to feel your support prior to championships.
More Records
0Fights Won
Out of 24 total fights
0Knockouts Over
10 in the first round
0Rounds Boxed
Throughout an 8 year span
0Current Titles
Boxing hall
Awards and
The famous boxer can be truly proud of what he has achieved so far! It’s amazing that at such a young age he was able to put his opponents down with knockouts. Multiple awards prove that the title of the champion is well deserved. We are happy to have you on the team!
Latest News
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Fights Video
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